5280 Veterinary Care

Senior Pet Care

Our pets’ lives often seem short and sweet. Many breeds are considered seniors as early as age seven. At 5280 Veterinary Care, we want to assist your senior pet to retain their health, energy, and mobility for as long as possible.

Caring For Your Senior Pet

5280 Veterinary Care - Senior Pet Care

Just like humans in the later stages of the life cycle, senior pets have more health considerations. Their immune systems are not as strong as younger animals. They might slow down and their behavior may change. Senior pets are more prone to dental disease, arthritis, blindness, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. Providing your senior pet with outstanding veterinary care is crucial for their comfort and wellbeing.

We recommend more frequent wellness visits for senior pets, at least twice a year. This gives our veterinarians the ability to keep senior pets’ changing health needs in check, and catch any newly developed conditions as soon as possible. Senior pets should also be tested and screened for various diseases more frequently in accordance with their wellness exams. Our veterinary professionals are aware that even if a cat or dog does not seem to have physical ailments, no exam is complete without further investigation beneath the surface.

Here are some essential tests we perform on senior pets:

  • Bloodwork helps us to identify general conditions such as infection and anemia, in addition to age-related conditions such as diabetes, kidney failure, liver disease, and much more.
  • X-Rays help us to identify issues such as arthritis and cancer, which may not be apparent during a physical examination or bloodwork.
  • Urinalysis provides an excellent indication of your pet’s overall health. It can aid in the identification of urinary tract infections, liver disease, and diabetes.
  • Blood Pressure Testing checks for hypertension (high blood pressure), which oftentimes shows little to no outward symptoms. High blood pressure is common in senior pets and increases their risk for heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, and more.
  • Eye Pressure Testing detects common eye concerns in senior pets, like cataracts, glaucoma, retinal problems, and more.

You know your senior pet best, so please keep us informed if you notice any sudden changes in their behavior or health.

Join the 5280 Veterinary Care Family Today!

Located on the corner of Gilpin St and E 31st Ave. Directly next to The Great Gilpin Escape Into Elegance and steps from George Morrison St. Park.

Phone: 720-789-7000

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